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    Waps-Kart Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.

    Szyby Rycerskie 22e
    41-909 Bytom
    Tax ID: 6452293937
    REGON: 277986584

    E-mail adress

    • biuro
    • sekretariat
    • wyceny

    Customer service office

    tel./fax: +48 32 284 96 54

    tel.: +48 32 380 20 61

    mobile phone: +48 505 102 906

    open from 7:00 to 15:00


    Grzegorz Sadowski
    +48 509 860 119 | grzegorzsadowski
    Sebastian Opeldus
    +48 537 858 000 | sebastianopeldus


    Heinrich Warzecha
    +49 176 42673270 | heinrichwarzecha


    Ondřej Šalbut
    +420 777 191 984 | ondrejsalbut